There’s lots of advice springing up all over the internet about how to look after your mental health and wellbeing in self isolation, but what we’re hearing from people we support is that information isn’t so useful if you were already struggling with your mental health beforehand and many of the suggestions such as routines and home cooking feel impossible right now. We don’t pretend to have the answers but here are a few thoughts you might find useful. Read more
I felt worried about writing this. It feels self-centred to be so focused on what I’m going through amidst the scale of a pandemic. But that’s exactly why I need to write this. Because I am not the only one feeling like this. Because sometimes just hearing an echo of your own thoughts is enough to feel less alone for a little while. Read more
There are a lot of really thoughtful and thought-provoking blogs being written just now about self-harm in times of crisis and lockdown and what that means for different people. We wanted to share as many of them as possible here, as we feel it's an especially important topic when people are more isolated than ever, and we are hearing from a lot of people who are struggling with increased self-harm and thoughts of self-harm during the current crisis. Read more