Are there other sources of support I can access by telephone that might be helpful for me to use when the helpline is closed? There are other sources of support that provide listening and understanding, both specifically about self-injury and about other issues please see the list below for suggestions. Alternative Sources of Support The SamaritansHelpline - 116 123 (FREE to call)24/7 support for anyone in distress. ShoutCrisis Text Line (FREE on all major mobile networks) - 8525824/7 support for anyone struggling or in a state of crisis at any time, from anywhere. MIND InfolineInformation about mental health services, treatment and support: 0300 123 3393Open 9am-6pm, Mon-Fri. National Rape CrisisHelpline - 0808 802 9999 (FREE to call)Open 24/7 Manage Cookie Preferences