Where Should I Go If I Need Treatment for Self-Harm? Options for self-harm treatment are still available but they may have changed in the way you can access them. Your GP surgery and 111: If you don’t think you need to go to A&E you should contact your GP surgery or 111. All GP surgeries will have their own procedures about how to seek treatment, so you should call your own surgery for information on how to get a GP appointment or 111 if it is out of hours. A&E and Minor Injury Units: If you need to go to A&E the reception and triage may be different to normal. Many A&E departments are triaging people at the main door so that people who do not have symptoms of coronavirus are sent to a different part of the hospital to avoid infection from those who do. You may be sent to a different part of the hospital or a minor injuries unit. You may be seen by staff wearing Personal Protective Equipment which can look quite strange. This is for your protection and theirs, and they will still be able to give the same care and treatment. Even if you are attending hospital for self-harm treatment you should report any other symptoms that might be related to coronavirus such as a persistent cough, temperature or shortness of breath to staff as soon as you arrive. Manage Cookie Preferences